Friday, June 26, 2009

Ten Day Trip to Michigan





We just got back from a ten day trip to Michigan. We flew the whole family out to Detroit to visit my parents. They are serving an 18 month mission there. We had a great time! All five kids in the airport was like watching a circus act! We had people counting all the kids, looking at me, and then saying God Be With You for having 6 children. It was quite funny! All the kids did great on the flight. The hardest part was getting all of our luggage onto the plane. We flew in on Saturday night the 13th of June. My parents met us at the airport where we rented a car for them, and used their Navigator for our family. It worked out quite well. The next day we got up and went to church in Detroit. It was definitely an experience. They gave talks in both Spanish and English. They had translators, so we wore headsets during the Spanish talks. After church we drove 15 minutes into Windsor Canada. We went through the border where they checked our passports and all the birth certificates of our children. We went to a park and had a picnic. The kids had a blast climbing the big trees in the park. An air show was going on that day, so we watched for a while. It is interesting that you can see Detroit right across the river from Canada. It is Detroit you see in the back ground of the picture of our whole family.
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1 comment:

runningfan said...

Looks like you had a great time! It was fun seeing your parents in the pictures.

I feel like I've got a circus act on my hands, and I only have four!