Friday, November 13, 2009

Cameron's Soccer is over

It was so fun to watch Cam play soccer! Cameron is one aggressive soccer player. He takes his losses personally! Although he scored on average 3 to 4 goals a game, he felt as if he should have scored more. I'm sure a lot of his drive and motivation comes from having two older brothers that expect him to be at their level! I remind them all the time that he is quite a bit younger than them, but the reminders don't seem to help much. Well, if anything he is one tough cookie! The funniest play this year was when Cameron was playing the forward position. The other team had the ball and was about to score. Cam noticed that the kid playing goalie on his team wasn't paying attention. So, Cameron jumped into the goalie box and caught the ball that was kicked. After making sure they weren't going to score he assumed his position as forward! When I told Cam he needed to play his position only he said, "Do you want us to win or lose?" What can you say to that?
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