Sunday, September 27, 2009

Alexa's Hurt Head!



The Sunday following Austin's birth was quite eventful. We were in the process of getting ready for church, when I heard screaming and saw blood. Alexa was chasing Cameron around the house. She slipped and hit her head on the corner of our ottoman. Her head had a pretty good gash, and we weren't sure whether or not she would need stitches. Our neighbor, who is an anesthesiologist, came over and helped. He numbed it with a needle, and used tweezers and sort of a super glue to patch the cut. We were so thankful we didn't have to take the time to go to the hospital!(Thanks Sam)! Life is never boring in the Reese household!
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1 comment:

runningfan said...

Yikes! THat's a big owie!